One Day at a Time

Whether it's drugs, alcohol, pornography, or anything else, addiction affects so many people in our world today. Regardless of the vice or level of addiction, the reality is that addiction is a destructive force that can rip families apart and tear apart an individual's life. 

But the good news is, there is hope. In Isaiah 61:1, the prophet says that God has anointed us to "comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed." This means that no matter how deep our addiction may be, no matter how long we have struggled with it, God is able to set us free. 

However, in order to experience that freedom, we must first acknowledge our addiction and the hold that it has on us. We must confront the areas of our lives that are not in alignment with God's will and allow him to heal and restore us. This may require us to seek help from support groups, or professionals, but it also requires us to surrender our addiction to God and trust that He is able to do what we cannot. 

Addiction is not just a physical or psychological issue, it's a spiritual issue, as well. Addiction is often rooted in a deep sense of shame, guilt, and fear, which drive us to seek relief in destructive behaviors. But the truth is we were not created to carry that burden. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

So today, I encourage you to bring your addiction(s) to Jesus. Surrender them to Him and allow Him to work in and through your life for His glory. Know that you are not alone in your struggle, and that there is hope for healing and restoration in Christ. As it says in Philippians 4:13, "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

Heavenly father, we come to you today acknowledging our addiction and our need for your healing and restoration. We surrender our addiction to you and ask that you would set us free from its hold. We trust that you are able to do what we cannot, and we ask for your grace and strength to carry us through this journey of recovery. We thank you for your love and mercy, and we pray that you would continue to lead us on a path of healing and wholeness. 

In Jesus' name.


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